Monday, December 22, 2008

For Beginners

Having a safe climb is important. The number one reason is that you want to be around the next time your friends want to go again. Rock climbing is a sport you can do most of your life. You don't have to learn everything in one climb or experience everything in one day. Don't rush things and take a person that has more experienced than yourself. You will enjoy the climb, learn a few things, and the experienced climber will enjoy the company.

When you are up on the rock, be attentive, and be willing to learn. There is a whole wonderful world of climbing awaits you. Do it safe.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


When a rock climber is considering a rock face to scale, they need to consider the difficulty of the climb and match it with there abilities. Climbing with a partner is just plain common sense. Having the right equipment, that has been checked before the climb is also paramount. Planning out the climb and time lines to be not climbing during dark hours is essential. One thing that some climbers do not consider is the coldness of the rock. Cold weather makes it harder to climb. Everything else needs to be adjusted. The difficulty of the climb, extra people, equipment, and time frames. When a wind shows up, and it is already cold, it can be disastrous. Plan ahead.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Living in the forest allows you to breathe in the fresh air. My favorite part of the morning is taking my breakfast out to the picnic table. Spending a few moments taking in nature. And I don't read the paper or look at my laptop during this time. It gives a time to relax and get centered for the day. I take an extra long breath and think life is good.

When I am in a difficult situation, whether it is work, or standing in line at customer service and it seems longer than it should, I take a big deep breath and imagine myself at the morning picnic table. I say to myself "life is good" and the irritation is lessened.

I smile.... I have a great life.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


When there is a dangerous situation on the mountain, some guys think they know best and not follow the rules. When this is the case, they endanger peoples lives wanting to be a hero. But when there is a critical situation, you can get into trouble really easy if you don't follow the manual. JUST FOLLOW PROCEDURES, and I am a happy camper. After awhile everyone realizes that search and rescue is a team effort.


Most people ask me how I got involved with search and rescue. It really is a simple story. When I was about seven years old, a girl from my neighborhood was lost in the woods behind our house. I really wanted to go help, but everytime I asked, I was told no. As I imagined climbing around fallen logs and bushes, I knew I could find her.

After a while I knew I had to go look with all the big guys so I snuck out through the garage side door. I really knew the forest behind our house because I played there every afternoon that I got a chance. I was the one that found her. My parents were angry, but proud. That was a good time in my life.

Being involved with search and rescue keeps me connected to important things in life...... and I still like someone to come by and ask me to sneak out and go on an adventure.