Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Most people ask me how I got involved with search and rescue. It really is a simple story. When I was about seven years old, a girl from my neighborhood was lost in the woods behind our house. I really wanted to go help, but everytime I asked, I was told no. As I imagined climbing around fallen logs and bushes, I knew I could find her.

After a while I knew I had to go look with all the big guys so I snuck out through the garage side door. I really knew the forest behind our house because I played there every afternoon that I got a chance. I was the one that found her. My parents were angry, but proud. That was a good time in my life.

Being involved with search and rescue keeps me connected to important things in life...... and I still like someone to come by and ask me to sneak out and go on an adventure.

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